Here’s How Women Enter Technology-Related Fields from Different Angles

Here is how discrimination at work prevents women in technology to pursue their career

Women in technology-related sectors join in diverse ways. Many people opt for jobs where they can grow and contribute to an established business, while others, like me, dive headfirst into the start-up world. Whatever path a woman in technology takes, the evidence suggests that there will be unavoidable challenges for women to experience in some form of gender bias.

Women in STEM fields make up half of those who experience discrimination at work. If solely women in technology-related jobs are considered, that number rises to 74%. A large part of this can be due to a lack of representation, particularly in disciplines like computer science that are dominated by men.

Only 25% of computer science professionals are female, and on average, female programmers make 96 cents for every dollar earned by their male counterparts. Two-thirds of women who work in tech fields say there isn’t a clear path to promotion, and half of them quit by the time they are 35. One of the reasons could be discrimination at work

Challenges for women arise as a result of lower representation on boards and in executive positions. This is exacerbated in the computer industry, where historically there have been substantially fewer women in positions of high management.

However, most women’s career has to deal with issues like unfounded worries about their technical aptitude, being passed over for opportunities due to gender bias and biases based on race, age, and appearance, and imposter syndrome, which prevents marginalized but knowledgeable female experts from interacting with peers.

In addition, women in technology frequently have to decide between pursuing a job and being a “good mother.” Due to antiquated societal and professional norms, women have historically been socialized to believe they cannot balance work and family. Women can balance a fulfilling profession with time for friends and family. Many women experience prejudice at home in addition to discrimination at work.

Women in technology must therefore overcome these obstacles by finding new ways to enter the tech industry. Find organizations that encourage and support women in technology, whether they are inside or outside of your present workplace. Another way is to spend your time working for a company that genuinely values things that you also value and doesn’t encourage gender bias at any cost. It can have a huge impact on how women’s careers and development. I’m happy to work for a company whose principles coincide with mine.

In particular, the ability to serve my family and play to win together-which lends itself to giving more opportunities for women to balance work and life are the things that matter most to me.

IDC reports that between 2018 and 2019, the proportion of women in leadership roles increased from 21% to 24%, which is fantastic but still needs a lot of work.

Positively, since 2020, there has been an increase in flexible and remote work policies, which has improved work-life balance and lowered the gender bias-related challenges at work for many women. Currently, nearly two out of every three women prefer a remote work environment.

The difficulties posed by the epidemic also generated discussions at work about enhancing benefits like child care, resulting in more support for working women and the men who assist them. All women working in technology need to speak up for themselves against discrimination at work and understand that stepping outside of their comfort zone with the help of supportive mentors and an employer who values their values can lead to great things.

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