Top 10 Women Influencers in Big Data Analytics You Should Know


Female data scientists in big data analytics! Top 10 women influencers in big data analytics 

Female data scientists have a great opportunity to employ their analytical skills as the field of big data analytics is rapidly developing, especially in the IT and artificial intelligence fields. Notwithstanding all obstacles, a handful of notable female personalities in this field have found success and have become role models for women in big data and machine learning.

These exceptional big data analytics tech women overcame challenges and rose to the top in their field. Students and young professionals alike are motivated by their tenacity. Look at these inspiring women influencers in big data analytics who have paved the way for more women to work in this industry.

1. Daphne Koller

Daphne Koller is a machine learning pioneer. The software entrepreneur, who is also the CEO and creator of Insitro, is working to bridge the gap between artificial intelligence and biomedicine. With Insitro, she intends to overcome both of these challenges and help address a pressing social problem like the creation of novel, safe, and effective pharmaceuticals that can help more people more swiftly and affordably.

2. Anima Anandkumar

Professor Chair at the Caltech CMS department and chief of NVIDIA’s machine learning research division, Animashree (Anima) Anandkumar is a well-known lady in big data analytics. The cutting-edge work investigates large-scale machine learning both theoretically and practically. In particular, tensor methods, deep learning, optimization, and unsupervised AI have been the subjects of her research leadership. As a principal scientist at Amazon Web Service, the tech woman enabled machine learning on the cloud architecture.

3. Maria Fasli

Prof. Maria Fasli oversees the Institute for Analytics and Data Science at the University of Essex and also holds the first UNESCO Chair in Data Science and Analytics. She places a strong emphasis on using data to advance equality and sustainable development because she is a woman working in the field of machine learning and data science.

4. Emily Glassberg Sands

She is the Data Science Head of Coursera. Her objective is to enhance the learning platform using data-driven products and options. The tech-savvy, Harvard University Ph.D. in Economics graduate has received a number of notable distinctions and awards from the institution. She is the host of the DataHack Radio podcast.

5. Cathy O’Neil

Professor Cathy O’Neil is a mathematician, data scientist, and analyst for hedge funds. She founded the algorithmic auditing company ORCAA, as well as penning articles for Bloomberg and The Guardian and the book “Weapons of Math Destruction.” She has also delivered a TED lecture in which she addresses the dangers and challenges posed by big data.

6. Monica Rogati

Monica Rogati is a senior data scientist at LinkedIn and a former vice president of data at Jawbone. In order to help organizations derive the most strategic and useful value from their data, the lady in big data analytics is currently employed as a freelance AI and Data Science advisor. At the moment, she works at Stanford University as a guest lecturer.

7. Danai Koutra

Danai Koutra received the 2020 SIGKDD Rising Star Award from the Association for Computing Machinery. At the University of Michigan, she enjoys teaching computer science and engineering. She has won great praise for her work on scalable and clear multi-network analysis and network summarising methods for large-scale data mining. She is a Michigan Institute for Data Science Associate Director as well as an Amazon Scholar.

8. Kate Starchnyi

Kate Starchnyi, the company’s creator, has been focusing on all things related to data visualisation. On diverse topics relevant to data visualisation, she has authored four books. So, yes! In order to succeed and grasp data visualisation, you can look up for her videos and more information she has provided regarding big data analytics.

9. Usha Rengaraju

Usha Rengaraju is the chief of research at Exa Protocol, a peer-to-peer distributed file system, and was named one of the top ten female data scientists in India by Analytics India magazine in the year 2020. There, she is tackling research problems at the nexus of cybersecurity and AI. She is a data scientist with training in quantitative finance, corporate analytics, economics, and psychology.

10. Sarah Nooravi

Sarah Nooravi is Operam’s senior data scientist. She has amassed a considerable following on LinkedIn as a figure recognized for helping others in the data science profession. The tech-savvy author routinely contributes to LinkedIn, where the big data analytics professional lady regularly posts articles that offer advice to aspiring data scientists and data science aficionados on how to be successful in their industry.

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Rahul Tanikanti