Top 10 Women Influencers in Big data Analytics and Why You Should Follow them

Women in big data analytics

The top 10 women in big data analytics who have been an inspiration for many young female data scientist

Women in big data analytics are expanding quickly, particularly in the fields of artificial intelligence and IT, and this is giving female data scientists a fantastic opportunity to put their analytical skills to use. Despite all difficulties, a number of noteworthy female figures have achieved success in this profession and have emerged as role models for women in machine learning and big data.

These remarkable women in big data analytics have overcome obstacles and ascended to the top of the profession. Young tech women and students throughout the world are inspired by their perseverance. Take a look at these remarkable women in big data analytics who have made it simpler for other women to enter this field.

Daphne Koller

A pioneer in machine learning is Daphne Koller. The tech woman is the founder and CEO of Insitro and is attempting to close the gap between machine learning and biomedicine. She hopes to overcome both of these difficulties at Insitro and contribute to the solution of a significant social issue like the development of innovative, safe, and efficient medications that can benefit more patients more quickly and inexpensively.

Anima Anandkumar

Famous woman in big data analytics expert Animashree (Anima) Anandkumar is a Bren professor at the Caltech CMS department and the head of NVIDIA’s machine learning research division. The tech-savvy study examines large-scale machine learning from both a theoretical and practical standpoint. She has led research efforts in unsupervised AI, deep learning, optimization, and tensor techniques in particular. The tech woman previously worked at Amazon Web Service as a lead scientist, where she enabled machine learning on the cloud architecture.

Maria Fasli

Prof. Maria Fasli is the director of the University of Essex’s Institute for Analytics and Data Science in addition to holding the first UNESCO Chair in Data Science and Analytics. As a woman in the machine learning and data science field, she emphasizes the use of data in promoting equality and sustainable development.

Emily Glassberg Sands

At Coursera, Emily is the Data Science Head. Her goal is to improve the learning platform by utilizing data-driven products and choices. The tech-savvy graduate with a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University has won numerous prestigious honors and awards from the university. She hosts a podcast of her own called DataHack Radio.

Cathy O’Neil

Professor Cathy O’Neil is also a data scientist, a mathematician, and a hedge fund analyst. She established the algorithmic auditing firm ORCAA, as well as wrote the book “Weapons of Math Destruction” and pieces for Bloomberg and The Guardian. She has also given a TED talk in which she discusses the risks and difficulties associated with big data.

Monica Rogati

Former Vice President of Data at Jawbone and Senior Data Scientist at LinkedIn, Monica Rogati. The woman in big data analytics now works as an independent AI and Data Science advisor with the goal of assisting businesses in gaining the most strategic and practical value from their data. She is currently employed as a guest lecturer at Stanford University.

Danai Koutra

The SIGKDD Rising Star Award for 2020 was given to Danai Koutra by the Association for Computing Machinery. She enjoys instructing Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan. Her work on scalable and understandable multi-network analysis and network summarization approaches for large-scale data mining has received widespread acclaim. She is also an Amazon Scholar and an Associate Director for the Michigan Institute for Data Science.

Kate Starchnyi

The founder of DATAcated, Kate Starchnyi has been concentrating on everything and anything concerning Data Visualization. She has written four books on various subjects relating to data visualization. So, yes! She is the person you turn to when you want to succeed and master data visualization.

Usha Rengaraju

Usha Rengaraju, who was named one of the top ten female data scientists in India by Analytics India magazine in the year 2020, is the chief of research at Exa Protocol, a peer-to-peer distributed file system, where she is tackling research challenges at the intersection of cybersecurity and AI. Usha is a data scientist with a background in psychology, corporate analytics, quantitative finance, and economics.

Sarah Nooravi

The senior data Scientist at Operam is Sarah Nooravi. She has developed a significant following on LinkedIn as a personality known for assisting others in the field of data science. The tech-savvy is a frequent contributor to LinkedIn, where the woman in big data analytics frequently publishes articles aimed at advising aspiring data scientists and data science enthusiasts on how to succeed in their field.

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