These are the Best Companies in India for Women to work in

Indian women

The top 10 companies for Indian women to work at where equality in the workplace is important

The top workplaces for Indian women in promoting a spirit of gender equity and equality in the workplace and helping to make India a fantastic environment for women at work. These are the top ten companies in India that are equitably and non-discriminatorily empowering women.


It is regarded as one of the best workplaces for Indian women. There is hardly any gender discrimination and Women employees can profit from high-paying jobs. Accenture, one of the best places to work in the world, has actively contributed to projects for equality in the workplace and women’s health. One of their more inspiring efforts is Vahini, a networking site and app designed to assist professional women in learning, sharing, and empowering themselves.

2.Cisco Systems

At Cisco, they have made a commitment to advancing women employees. They have a number of initiatives and employee resource organizations (EROs) devoted to promoting the diversity of Indian women in the workplace, including “Back to Business,” “Emerging Talent Network,” and “Women of Cisco.” They also offer female-led initiatives like Women Rock-IT, a live broadcast event that highlights female tech industry leaders who can encourage more women to work in the sector.

3.H & R Block (India)

One of the best workplaces for Indian women is H & R Block (India) Pvt. Ltd. Through a thorough and objective process of evaluating workplace cultures, the organization is consistently recognized as one of India’s finest places to work for women. WinB, which stands for Women in Block aims in empowering women and unite them by boosting their leadership abilities and assist them in advancing their careers.

4.Hawllet Packard HP

Many of the Indian women who have joined HP’s workforce were drawn to the tech giant in the first place because of the company’s ongoing efforts to establish a female-friendly work environment, which are aimed at improving year-round as well as during the month of March, ie., around International Women’s Day. HP makes sure that women at work are paid equally to their male counterparts.

5.Pitney Bowes

One of the top 25 best workplaces in IT & IT-BPM in India is Pitney Bowes. Women employees at Pitney Bowes have the freedom to achieve an invigorating and satisfying balance between work and family life. The new mother policies aid women at work in making a seamless transition back to the workforce. By offering possibilities for growth, learning, and innovation, it is constantly a place that encourages and enables women to bring their best selves to work.


Credibility, respect, fairness, pride, and camaraderie are the five aspects of a high-trust, high-performance culture that the company excels, making it a terrific place to work for all of its workers. The company takes equality in the workplace very seriously. Salesforce is regarded as one of India’s top employers for 2022.

7.Synchrony International Services

Synchrony International Services Private Limited has been named among the top 10 workplaces for women in India and one of the top companies to work for in 2022 for its friendly work environment. It looks out for its employees. There was a tonne of support during the pandemic. Employees come first in it. The management is accessible, and benefits and gifts keep arriving.


In order to make technology more reflective of the reality around us and to create a more inclusive and fair future, Thoughtworks is dedicated to fostering actual change. They have a special interest in gender diversity and are proud of the work their organisation has done to support empowering women in the tech sector.


_VOIS became qualified as one of the top workplaces for Indian women. By establishing gender- and LGBQT-friendly policies and ensuring that employees’ unconscious bias towards them is addressed, the organization is attempting to create an inclusive culture.


Every day at Adobe is a brand-new adventure. You are drawn in by the lively culture and friendliness of the locals. Many women have had the opportunity to advance their careers by working on important projects with a really supportive team. Adobe has significantly altered how employees approach their employment.

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