Centre Stage for Women in Tourism and Travel Development


UNWTO and UN women come together for an initiative towards women in tourism and travel

On March 8, 2023, International Women’s Day will be observed by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and UN Women under the banner “Women in Tourism: Leading the Way to Recovery.” This project aims to acknowledge and highlight the important role that women play in the tourist industry’s development and progress. Women working in the tourism sector have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, with many of them losing their employment or having their hours of work curtailed.

To advance gender equality and women’s empowerment in the tourism industry and to support the growth of sustainable tourism that benefits women and their communities, the UNWTO and UN Women are taking advantage of this occasion. Webinars, panel discussions, and workshops are just a few of the events and activities that will be held as part of the project. In addition to supporting their recovery and resiliency in the post-pandemic era, it is an opportunity to increase awareness of the significance of women in tourism and travel engagement for their development.

Women now play a bigger part in the tourism and travel sector than they did in the past. Women are having a significant impact on this crucial area of the global economy, whether as business owners, employees, or consumers.

The rise of female entrepreneurs has been one of the most important changes in the tourism sector. In the tourism industry, women-owned enterprises are becoming more prevalent and significant. They provide distinctive and cutting-edge experiences that are tailored to the special demands and tastes of female tourists. Many of these companies are small and neighborhood-based, giving customers a more unique and real experience.

Furthermore, important to encouraging sustainable tourism practices are women business owners. Using renewable energy, cutting waste, and promoting locally grown food are just a few of the ecologically responsible strategies that many women-owned businesses have undertaken. These techniques not only improve the environment but also help the local community’s economies grow.

In the travel sector, women are becoming more prevalent in positions of leadership. Top executive positions in the tourism and travel industries are being filled by an increasing number of women who are shattering the glass ceiling. They contribute to a more diverse and inclusive industry by bringing their particular thoughts and experiences to the table.

Women are increasingly contributing to the travel industry as consumers in addition to becoming more active in business and leadership. Women are becoming a more important demographic for the industry than ever before because they are traveling more than ever before. Women travelers are searching for one-of-a-kind and genuine experiences that suit their interests and preferences, such as wellness retreats, adventurous travel, and cultural excursions.

A notable development in recent years is the increase in female solo travel. In search of independence, adventure, and personal development, more and more women are taking solo vacations. In response, the travel industry has created unique experiences catered to the requirements and tastes of female solo travelers, including hostels, tours, and adventure trips that are exclusively for women.

The tourism business still presents substantial obstacles for women, notwithstanding the progress that has been accomplished. Gender disparity in the workplace is one of the most important issues. In many segments of the industry, notably in senior management roles, women are still underrepresented. In addition, women frequently earn less than males do in comparable positions and have fewer chances to grow their careers.

Another important problem that needs to be addressed is sexual assault and harassment of female passengers. When traveling by themselves or in groups, women are frequently the targets of unwanted attention, harassment, and assault. The travel industry must take action to address the core causes of this problem and to establish a safe and welcoming atmosphere for female passengers.

More awareness and education on gender equality and inclusivity in the tourism industry are required to address these issues. Businesses must have procedures and policies that support inclusivity and a variety of genders in the workplace. Governments and business organizations can help advance gender equality and address problems like sexual harassment and violence against female travelers.

In conclusion, women now play a bigger part in the travel and tourist business than they did previously. Women entrepreneurs are developing distinctive and cutting-edge experiences that are tailored to the particular requirements and tastes of female visitors.

A more varied and inclusive industry is being facilitated by the fact that women are holding senior positions in the sector. Nonetheless, there are still important problems like sexual harassment and gender inequality, and more has to be done to solve these problems. Working together, the tourist sector can develop a more welcoming and equal workplace for both female workers and visitors

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Rahul Tanikanti