10 Women Entrepreneurs Who Left Big Tech Companies To Become Entrepreneurs

Women entrepreneurs

The top 10 women entrepreneurs and tech-women who quit jobs to become businesswomen

Imagine being a woman entrepreneur on top of the difficulty of becoming successful as an entrepreneur. Finding clients, hiring staff, and raising financing are just a few of the difficulties. The decision to leave a job as a tech-women that pays a regular salary for the uncertainty of a startup is intimidating. Add to that pressure at home. Here is a list of the top 10 women in business who left private jobs and went on to become female entrepreneurs and businesswomen.

1. Ivelyse Andino

Long before she was even conscious of it, her health was predetermined by her brown Afro-Latina skin and Bronx zip code. She frequently found herself to be the only woman, the only person of color, and the youngest person in the room as she progressed through her corporate career in health and health IT. During my maternity leave, she started Radical Health because she was sick of getting medical treatment alone and watching her neighbors overlooked and mistreated because of their zip code, location, or skin tone.

2. Lauren Tanaka Fortune

Because we both came from the fashion industry and didn’t picture ourselves spending the rest of our lives working in corporate fashion, my husband and I founded our company. Despite the fact that we both enjoy fashion and creativity, we decided against starting a new brand.

3. Rocio F. Brusseau

She had spent more than 20 years working for businesses as a strategy lead for brands spanning several disciplines, industries, and continents, but she was having serious issues feeling content in a full-time position. She realized that she had to go build her own strategic consulting firm, calling it Overflow, to reflect her goal to constantly “expand beyond.”

4. Yewande Faloyin

Ikigai, gut instinct, and faith! She had no idea what she wanted to do after doing the uncommon thing and leaving my job at McKinsey, but she was certain of three things: 3. If she wanted something different for the next stage of her life, she had to take different action. 1. She needed to recharge. 2. She wanted to become a certified yoga instructor. 3. She made the decision to discover her purpose in life (ikigai) rather than solve her way to success by following her instincts and having faith in herself.

5. Jamie Lieberman

She got the notion to establish a virtual law business with flexible working hours eight years ago. She wanted to develop a model for legal services that would reduce stress since she thought the practice of law was already too stressful for both clients and employees. The plan was almost instantly successful, and the tech woman now oversees a fantastic team of all women who have autonomy, flexible schedules, and the option to work remotely.

6. Misti Cain

The woman entrepreneur was a digital strategist for Fortune 500 companies and well-known international brands. Up until she was let go, she thought my position was secure. She founded Whyzze because she wanted to build something that would benefit the company while also giving me greater control over my future.

7. Dana Griffin

Since she was raised by my grandparents in Transylvania, she has learned to trust older people with big life decisions. After establishing a career in statistics and advertising, the passing of one of her closest elders inspired me to see a chance to use technology to alter how the world views aging. Her goal is to establish a platform where seniors are valued members of society whose experience benefits all others. And eldera.ai is that.

8. Mary Clavieres

In the first 14 years of the businesswoman’s career, she worked in the pharmaceutical industry. When she gave birth to her first daughter in 2013, it was a turning point in my life. She couldn’t locate any mesh underwear to buy after my C-section, so she had to wear more for recuperation. She started her first business, Brief Transitions, as a result of her frustration with the paucity of products available for new mothers and her determination to take action.

9. Whitney A. White

She has been creating successful enterprises since she was a young girl, and she has always been passionate about applying her talents to improve systems and people. She began her career in management consulting with Bain & Company after graduating from college. She later transitioned into e-commerce before deciding to found Afara Global, her own innovation company, in 2011.

10. Ellie Hearne

The businesswoman enjoyed both the work and the coworkers in her previous position, but she wanted to directly address workplace culture, so she founded Pencil or Ink. Prior to beginning any learning and development project, we work closely with organizations to comprehend how they operate and where their internal possibilities and strengths are.

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Rahul Tanikanti