Top Directives Issued by the Sports Authority of India to Ensure the Safety of Women Athletes

The Sports Authority of India recently issued guidelines to NSFs to to ensure the safety of women athletes

Sports Minister Anurag Thakur on Wednesday said that the public authority is finding a way all potential ways to guarantee the security of women competitors, hours after the Sports Authority of India (SAI) gave an order, making it obligatory for NSFs to incorporate women mentors in the groups.

“The mindfulness crusades about doping and women’s safety have been presented in both Khelo India Youth Games and University Games.

“As to women’s safety measures, we are attempting not exclusively to give rules however to give these to each sports person with the goal that they are not clueless and they can safeguard themselves and their pride,” Thakur told correspondents uninvolved in the initiation service of six world-standard squash courts at the Major Dhyan Chand arena here.

SAI’s choice came near the impact points of two provocation objections by female competitors against their mentors.

A female cyclist had as of late blamed boss mentor R K Sharma for an “improper way of behaving” in Slovenia and had likewise documented an FIR against him. The mentor was sacked and is confronting a nitty-gritty examination.

A female mariner had likewise griped that her mentor made her “awkward” during a preparing trip in Germany although she didn’t term it as lewd behavior.

Moreover, the NSFs have likewise been approached to designate a Compliance Officer (male and female) at all National Coaching Camps and Foreign Exposures.

1. Women Coach to obligatorily go with the contingent with female competitors during Domestic/International Travel.

2. Consistency Officer (Male and Female) to be selected in all National Coaching Camps and Foreign Exposures. The jobs and obligations of the Compliance Officer incorporate discussing consistently with competitors and others to guarantee that the rules are being adhered to as well as upholding the Guideline Operating Procedure for the avoidance of lewd behavior in sports. The Compliance Officer, among different obligations, ought to guarantee that assuming any part reports an infringement, the equivalent ought to be accounted for earliest to the mindful specialists

3. Pre-Camp Sensitization modules to be planned and introduced to all competitors, mentors, and care staff together before the initiation of any National Coaching Camp and Foreign Exposure.

.4. Increment the strength of women Coaches/Support Staff in National Coaching Camps by particular NSFs.

The step has been taken after ongoing occasions became known where certain female competitors have grumbled against their mentors during worldwide excursions.

This is likewise to guarantee a protected and positive climate by making all partners mindful that there is an assumption, consistently, of the fitting way of behaving steady with the basic beliefs of sportsmanship and suitable moral direction.

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Sumaiya Shahjahan