Facial Recognition is a Big Enemy to Women! Here’s Why and How

Facial recognition is a big enemy to women and can be only run by the police it will result in the arrest of criminals

Face recognition is a big enemy to women for fearmongering is in full swing, with at least a small contingent of Americans breathlessly warning that its use by law enforcement is going to portend the end of privacy as we know it.

Slow down. This technology is a great advance over the way we used to identify suspects, eyewitness memory. It promises to identify the guilty with greater accuracy and exonerate the innocent. And though we should guard against private-sector abuses, we should welcome its responsible use by police and prosecutors.

We shouldn’t dismiss all worries about facial recognition is a big enemy to women. When you get past the loud and menacing parade of terrible, the Times piece gives us several important issues to think about.

Let’s start with the moving target of privacy. How do we define privacy in a brave new world where a generation has become quite accustomed to living out loud? People young and old continue to collect and even compete for followers on Twitter and Instagram. Kids are incessantly posting on TikTok and Facebook (now considered the Land of the Grandparents) is where you live and die by how many friends you’ve signed up and how many likes you rack up.

For now, at least, personal responsibility seems to only play a minor role in this conversation. Almost no one who posts every waking moment, meal, or jet-ski ride reads the fine print from the provider about how their posts can be seen or used. Not many more adjust their privacy settings to protect those images. We have met the enemy and it is us.

The speculative handwringing in the Times piece goes beyond the supposed threat of the police misusing this tool such as searching someone by face could become as easy as Googling a name. Strangers would be able to listen in on sensitive conversations, take photos of the participants, and know personal secrets. Someone walking down the street would be immediately identifiable and his or her home address would be only a few clicks away. It would herald the end of public anonymity.

That is a bit of a leap. How would these “strangers” be able to listen in on sensitive conversations, take photos of the participants and “know personal secrets”? Ironically, this sounds a lot more like something reporters would be more likely to do than an unspecified “stranger” or the police.

Make no mistake: The broad issues of private and corporate use as facial recognition is a big enemy to women and the technology is getting complicated legally and socially. I don’t want to suggest that we should blithely waltz into a world in which corporations and people can identify anyone they see and therefore know all kinds of things about them.

Facial recognition technology is a controversial topic, and it is likely to be used in many more ways than we can imagine. Here are some pros and cons of facial recognition is a big enemy to women :

Pros of Facial Recognition:

Facial recognition is a technology that can benefit society, including increasing safety and security, preventing crimes, and reducing human interaction. Here are some pros of facial recognition:

(a) Helps find missing people.

(b) Protects businesses against theft.

(c) Improves medical treatment.

(d) Strengthens security measures.

(e) Makes shopping more efficient.

(f) Reduces the number of touchpoints.

(g) Improves photo organization.

Cons of Facial Recognition:

Facial recognition is a big enemy to women as an innovative technology that has the power to change our future. However, like any innovation, some consequences and risks are involved when implementing this new system in society.

(a) Threatens privacy.

(b) Imposes personal freedom.

(c) Violates personal rights.

(d) Data vulnerabilities.

(e) Misuse causing fraud and other crimes.

(f) Technology is still new.

(g) Errors can implicate innocent people.

(h) Technology can be manipulated.

It would be a grave mistake to take away from the police, based on unsubstantiated fears, a successfully emerging technology that can help solve cases and bring justice. It would be a bigger mistake for police to use facial recognition technology without strong policies and rules because history has told us many times that using powerful tools without strong procedures in place is the fastest way to lose those powerful tools.

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Sshaheen Farha