The Top 10 Women Photographers on the List Today

Among women in social media, the top 10 women photographers on the list who offer reliable content

The new year is starting very soon and it is the ideal time to discover great women photographers who may all serve as an inspiration to others. The list of women photographers listed below each contributes something unique to the field through a variety of honors, awards, recognition on a global scale for their work and contributions, courage to stand out, commitment to mentoring others, and other accomplishments such as education through photography that go beyond the number of followers on social media. Today, they are all still shooting, whether it is for their pleasure, their jobs, or both.

1. Sarah van Rij

Van Rij, a street photographer based in Amsterdam is one of the top women in social media and has a distinctive aesthetic that stands out. Van Rij has completed several commissions, including a shoe collection for Hermès, an advertising campaign for Dior, an editorial shoot for Vrij Nederland that focuses on the lives of people in underprivileged neighborhoods in Copenhagen, and additional work that draws attention to the environmental problems associated with Marseille’s heavily polluted coastline.

 2. Tara Workman 

Tara Workman was born in Barbados and now resides in Portland, Oregon. Although Workman doesn’t regard herself as a professional photographer, Captured Landscapes named her Photographer of the Year for 2021. Tara Workman was born in Barbados and now resides in Portland, Oregon. Although Workman doesn’t regard herself as a professional photographer, Captured Landscapes named her Photographer of the Year for 2021. Workman appreciates the education through the photography process and frequently finds inspiration in looking at other photographers’ work as she develops her photography. The woman behind the lens incorporates artistic decisions, such as deliberate camera movement, along with larger settings to produce ethereal nature images.

3. Pei Ketron 

Since she spent more than ten years teaching in the American public school system, Pei Ketron has a background in education. Ketron, a native of Taiwan, has spread her expertise throughout the globe. The woman photographer instructs photography in both private and corporate settings and instructs creatives through a variety of public speaking engagements, including Adobe MAX.

4. Ellen von Unwerth 

German-born Ellen von Unwerth began her career as a fashion model before moving on to become a photographer, director, and the current founder of Von Magazine. Her photography gives women the spotlight, and it has a playful sexiness without being obscene. The fashion photographer is very known among women in social media related to photography.

5. Ami Vitale

American photographer and filmmaker Ami Vitale documents compelling wildlife and environmental stories to draw attention to conservation challenges. Vitale is a Nikon Ambassador, a National Geographic photographer, one of Instyle Magazine’s 50 Badass Women, and the recipient of a plethora of additional honors, titles, and other forms of national and worldwide recognition. The woman behind the lens has a diverse group of followers. 

6. Sonia Szóstak

Sonia Szóstak is a famous woman photographer. She is an expert in editorial and fashion photography and was chosen by the British Fashion Council as one of the 100 most creative and inspiring young people in the world. She was born in Poland but now calls Paris, France, home. According to Ignant, she found early success working with publications like Porter Magazine, Vogue, Numéro, Harper’s Bazaar, and many others.

7. Anne Geddes

The photographs of staged children that Anne Geddes took of infants and published in books, calendars, and greeting cards that were sold all over the world helped her to build a lucrative career. The woman photographer‘s work is no less significant now than it was when her career was at its height in the 1990s. She hasn’t been in the studio since 2015 when she finished her final series of calendar images, “The Signs of the Zodiac.”

8. Cindy Sherman 

Conceptual artist Cindy Sherman another famous woman behind the lens who was born in New Jersey is well-known in the art world. Sherman has produced several self-portrait series using herself as the subject in front of the camera, most notably “Untitled Film Stills” which launched her into the spotlights on a global scale.

9. Lynsey Addario

The work of Lynsey Addario emphasizes human rights issues, disputes, and the position of women in traditional communities. She has been able to capture stories from the front lines of war, conflict, and other humanitarian disasters thanks to her daring in reporting events as they happen. She captures chaos through street photography.

10. Elise Swopes

Swopes is one artist who has completely embraced the opportunities and multidimensional world of the Internet. Swopes has also had success with the sale of non-fungible tokens made from her digital artwork (NFT). According to CNBC Make It, Swopes made her first NFT sale in March 2021 and made over $17,600. She has a great reputation among women photographers.

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