The Evolution of the Female Gaze in South Korean Dramas

The rise of the female gaze in k-drama: the reason behind everyone’s fixating on the Korean drama

K-dramas or Korean dramas, TV series that started in South Korea, are on everybody’s watch lists nowadays! With splendid feel, wonderful cinematography, flawless and capable entertainers, and a large number of various types of plots, it is straightforward why everyone is presently fixating on them. Albeit apparently dismissible, a more critical look will uncover that they offer a ton to unload, including the dominating female gaze that is common in the greater part of them.

The female gaze is a reaction to the male gaze, a term that was first begotten by women’s activist film scholar Laura Mulvey in her exposition Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. The male gaze is available galore. It is the generalizing depiction of female characters, most clear in TV or film from how the camera generally appears to prepare the substantial elements of the female characters with a particular scoffing gaze. Under the male gaze, the sexual allure of the female characters is the central issue of her allure. The male gaze unavoidably takes special care of the male watcher and powers all others in the crowd to be exposed to something similar. The female gaze, then again, puts the onus of the point of view on the female character, creator, and crowd. The female character is then seen as a functioning member rather than an uninvolved subject that is purposely dissected for male satisfaction.

K-dramas are frequently known, and, surprisingly, adulated for their unassuming nature, particularly contrasted with American TV dramas which are considerably more expressed. In K-dramas, the attention is more on the acknowledgment and improvement of the sentiments in question, particularly on a piece of the female characters. Now and again, as in the 2019 K-drama Search: WWW and Be Melodramatic, sentiment isn’t even the primary concentration. Be that as it may, there is no forceful disavowal of it by the same token.

Feelings and heartfelt sentiments are not excused to support them as shortcomings coming in the method of the female lead’s heartiness yet are somewhat displayed as a characteristic response, where falling head over heels is most certainly a piece of the story, yet isn’t its sum. Then again, there are cloyingly sweet heartfelt K-dramas with fantastic male leads too. In Her Private Life (2019), the female lead Sung Deok-mi is a committed, “proficient” fangirl. Despite mainstream thinking, her accomplice Ryan Gold is steady with her fangirling attempts. Where a significant part of the idea encompassing fan girls is unnecessarily regrettable, particularly by male companions, this is a seriously reviving take.

Indeed, even in the more express scenes, delicacy rules in K-dramas. The camera zeros into a greater degree toward the entertainers’ faces, the feature being their gazes as opposed to their bodies. This is in direct differentiation to the predominant point of view where the female character’s body is generally the turn of the scene, recorded with a voyeuristic twist to take special care of the scoffing male gaze. Sexual strain portrayed in K-dramas is through waiting gazes and modest contact there is hunger, yet not of the sort that causes the female crowd to feel disregarded yet rather goes about as a demonstration of female longing. Actual closeness is available yet assumes a lower priority about the profound excursion, which is generally, staggeringly nuanced.

K-dramas additionally feature female fellowships and the strength of the fortitude that is acquired from them. What’s more, the female gaze through which they are depicted, makes them appealing and agreeable to watch. In the superhit drama Crash Landing On You, Yoon Se-ri’s tornado (straightforwardly) sentiment toward a North Korean fighter is at the focal point of the series yet her companionship with the women of a little North Korean town stays one of the most paramount parts of the drama.

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Sumaiya Shahjahan