Read these Books to Know More about Women in Tech

Women in Tech

Read these books about tech women and women entrepreneurs to know more about the tech industry

The books to know about women in tech cover a wide range of topics, including discussions on unconscious bias in the workplace, motivational tales from women entrepreneurs, and the fascinating future of women in tech. They also provide practical advice on topics like CVs and interview techniques. Hope these books will increase your knowledge, motivate you, give you power, and most importantly, help you learn more about the fascinating technological sector.

1.Female Innovators at Work: Women on Top of Tech

There are 20 interviews in this book with female innovators who have reached the very top of their tech career ladders. It highlights the various ways women entrepreneurs have risen to the top of their professions and provides guidance on how to accomplish career goals. It includes Martha Lane Fox, Lynda Weinman, Gwynne Shotwell, and many more. This book is excellent for you if you want to become a tech entrepreneur.

2.Women in Tech: Practical Advice and Inspiring Stories

One of the most popular books on our list of recommendations for women in tech comes next. It offers perceptions, useful career guidance, and motivational tales about actual women working in the technology sector. Numerous inspiring women entrepreneurs are highlighted in these tales, including Brianna Wu, the creator of Giant Spacekat, Angie Chang, the creator of Women 2.0, Katie Cunningham, Python instructor, and developer Keren Elazari, TED speaker Miah Johnson, and many others.

3.Women of Color in Tech

Another outstanding book that emphasizes the requirement for a greater diversity of women at work in technology. This book, written by Susanne Tedrick, aims to inspire more women of color to work in technology by providing helpful advice and engrossing anecdotes. Tedrick breaks down the different kinds of employment that are accessible in technology and offers tools and guidance for developing the proper mentality for success.

4.Pivot: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One

Pivot is a very motivating book about tech women that lays out some of the greatest strategies to break into the tech industry if you’re trying to shift careers. Jenny Blake is a brilliant writer who spent five years at Google and a small tech firm. The book provides tips and resources to help women empower and make crucial decisions.

5.Brotopia: Breaking Up the Boys’ Club of Silicon Valley

As the executive producer of Bloomberg Technology, a TV show that focuses on global technology and women’s empowerment, Emily Chang drew on her experience interviewing top tech leaders and investors for this book. Brotopia shows how male-dominated Silicon Valley is, but it also shows how women entrepreneurs are fighting back against the poisonous conditions that are pervasive in the tech sector.

6.Life in Code: A Personal History of Technology

The next book on the list is Life in Code by Ellen Ullman, a renowned publisher and computer programmer with a brilliant grasp of modern technology. This book can assist women at work in learning more about the technological breakthroughs of the last 20 years and preparing for the next 20.

7.Technically Wrong: Sexist Apps, Biased Algorithms and other Threats of Toxic Tech

The book Technically Wrong offers in-depth explanations of prejudices and moral dilemmas brought on by modern technology. From the manufacturing process to the absence of diversity on tech teams to the apparent male-only design of a large number of new items. When choosing which technology to utilize, the reader is more educated and able to make wiser decisions.

8.Reset: My Fight for Inclusion and Lasting Change

Reset is a first-person story of a dropped workplace discrimination lawsuit that initially appears to be a loss but ends up igniting important discussions that are akin to the potent #MeToo movement. This is an incredibly powerful book that all women in tech should read, regardless of whether they have personally experienced or witnessed gender discrimination.

9.Girl Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Success, Sanity, and Happiness for Female Entrepreneurs

Women entrepreneurs, professionals, and anyone else who wants to work on increasing their happiness at work should read this book. It seeks to instill in the reader the value of creating connections and networks with individuals in your sector as well as how to boost confidence, deal with jealousy, and do so.

10.Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office

This book offers a fascinating examination of how women at work are regarded, their language, and the unintentional errors they commit. This book about tech women explores whether women behave differently from males and whether they are “too pleasant at work.” It is an eye-opening book that will make you reevaluate some professional situations and how you might respond to them.

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Rahul Tanikanti