Ines Mokrani: Transforming and Reinventing New Ways of Working

Ines Mokrani

MatchMaker no.1 understands the needs of businesses and matches in-demand skills with dynamic companies that are driving change. The company’s mission is to advance the careers of highly skilled people and help them do the work they aspire to – whether on a contract or permanent basis.

By challenging experts with unexpected tasks that match their goals, the company pushes the boundaries and opens new opportunities. As a global partner, MatchMaker uses its network of experts to help companies innovate, grow, and adapt to new ways of working.

MatchMaker’s Services Include:

Recruitment of employees

MatchMaker fills C-level positions and finds specialists worldwide. To make this work globally, the company uses digital marketing methods and also draws on its large network. The firm has automated processes and can reach many more applicants through increased awareness through its multi-channel recruiting.

Placement of freelancers/ contractors

The company provides the right freelancers for time-limited projects.

Personality and performance potential analysis

Matchmaker collaborates with various globally recognized analytical tools, which are also used by people/companies such as Anthony Robbins, Marshall Goldsmith, Apple, Google, etc.

Ready for your next career step?

MatchMaker supports you on your journey to take the next step in your career in a company that fits you perfectly.

Benefits of Working with MatchMaker

✅ Standards – The company has high-quality standards

✅Global – Operates globally with a large network

✅ Time – Finds highly qualified employees within the shortest possible time

✅ Costs – Works much more efficiently and effectively than many others in the industry

MatchMaker’s major specialization is in the IT sector. The company takes care of all the administrative, legal, and social security aspects, and so on. It also manages the team and makes sure that the projects are completed successfully. The team is built much faster than usual and with fewer costs. The savings are around 20%-60%.

Maestro of Creating a Sublime People Experience

Ines Mokrani worked for many years in a wide variety of companies in different positions from clerk to board member.

During her career, Ines has taken various qualifications. She has multiple degrees in finance. She is also a Certified Personality Assessment Consultant, Certified Systemic Personal & Business Coach, Communication Trainer, NLP Master, Certified Digital Marketing Professional, and, Sales and Marketing Professional.

She thinks our world needs innovators, visionaries, and lateral thinkers – people who are not just mainstream but question things.

Ines says “it takes courage and willingness to take risks because the headwinds can be enormous. So, I have chosen my path and founded my company MatchMaker no.1.”

Her vision is to be a link between company and employee and to find the ideal match for both so that goals and visions can become true.

Overcoming Hurdles to Create Disrupting Impact

Ines states “You don’t learn entrepreneurship at school, in most countries, unfortunately. Here, too, it is worth considering changing this. There are many stumbling blocks at the beginning.” She had to think about how the structure of her business should be, how it should be financed, what requirements there are (tax office, country, etc.), whether she should work with freelancers or employees at the beginning, how the sales process should be designed, what services she should offer and much more. She had to think about a lot of things. There are always phases, especially in the beginning, where she wanted to shift everything. But that’s not the case with her. Ines says “the important thing is to keep believing in yourself and to keep going, even if it is sometimes difficult. How many people have started something and then given up, even though success was waiting around the corner? The important thing is to be flexible and ready to learn.” Ines had dealt with sales, digital marketing, social media, and many other things, she has learned to advance her business and that will also be the case in the future.

Sharing the Pearls of Wisdom

There are still too few women who dare to become self-employed. But times are changing faster and faster and the number of women self-employed will continue to grow. What could be better than managing your own time, realizing your visions, contributing to this world, and above all, giving something back to improve the lives of many?

Ines advises “believe in yourself and don’t lose your vision. Be flexible and open to new paths. Always learn new things that are useful for your business. And above all, stay hungry and curious to discover new things.”

Humble Beginnings

Ines’s most important success is the realization that she doesn’t give up even in adversity and that she believes in herself. In the beginning, there was no immediate great success for her. Every single step she takes brings her and her company further. Her company still exists, and she will do everything to ensure that they continue to grow. The company has built up a large network, digitalized its processes, entered partnerships, and is about to reach new next levels.

Planning Ahead

Employees are desperately sought after – that is the current word from numerous sectors and for almost all hierarchical levels in companies. As a result, more and more companies are resorting to the support of personnel consultants in their difficult search for staff. Quite a few companies are increasingly despairing of the tight personnel market and their recruitment problems. Often, they lack the special methodological knowledge as well as the personnel resources to reach the sought-after candidates in a targeted and efficient manner and to win them over for employment. The increasingly difficult situation leads to more search assignments for recruiters/ head-hunters. The recruitment industry is growing faster than it has in ten years.

Work is becoming more and more digital, flexible, and connected, and intelligent, data-driven tools are increasingly taking over human work. Entire job profiles are changing and some will disappear in the future. Recruiting work will also change here, it will become more and more digital and search processes will become more global. Companies will increasingly work together with people from all over the world – the prerequisites for this will have to be created more and more. We live in the age of Blockchain and Co. Here, too, Ines can imagine developments in the field of recruiting.

The MatchMaker will continue to grow in 2023. Besides freelancers, Ines plans to hire employees. She wants to create automated structures to cope with the growth. She also wants to develop new specialized business areas to be able to respond flexibly to market requirements.

In the future ahead, Ines would like to grow with several offices around the world. Her future goals will be implemented with her global company. MatchMakers use the most modern methods and consultants; the employees are very happy to work in the company. The company culture is characterized by openness, appreciation, flexibility, and opportunities for development. In addition to the growth of the company, it will use part of the profit to finance projects that improve life on our planet.

Management: Ines Mokrani, Founder & CEO


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