How Women’s Health and Technology are Holding the Key to Development?

Women’s health

Women’s health and healthcare technology are key to the healthcare system’s growth

Despite its shortcomings, the American healthcare system leads the world in terms of research, teaching, care standards, and clinical outcomes for women’s health. The U.S. healthcare technology was third to last in terms of budgetary stability but sixth in terms of innovation in 2021, according to the World Index of Healthcare Innovation. Access and equity problems are frustrating because of this.

As healthcare professionals, we are all aware that if our systems were more user-friendly, we could be doing more for more people. And also, the use of telehealth and sophisticated monitoring can enhance the health of women.

Native Americans and Latinos have diabetes rates 30% higher than those of White people. Black communities continue to have significantly higher mortality rates from conditions including heart disease, stroke, and breast and prostate cancer. There are fewer provider options available in rural locations for those with chronic conditions (or many diseases) than there are in densely populated places.

This means it may be difficult to find a specialist who is available or even to schedule an appointment. Other factors that affect healthcare fairness and access include socioeconomic status, technology, gender, and limitations due to language. The unique care requirements of each individual further complicate these considerations.

Too many women in India lack access to life-saving screening procedures like mammograms due to the exorbitant cost of medical equipment. Thanks to modern businesses like Niramai, women in India and other developing countries can now be saved by scalable, low-cost solutions.

The company’s equipment uses cutting-edge AI algorithms to identify even the earliest aberrant growth by detecting minute fluctuations in breast tissue’s temperature.

Nearly four billion women, or slightly less than half of the world’s population, deal with health and safety issues that are specific to their gender. These issues include managing menstruation and fertility cycles, conditions associated with pregnancy, menopausal symptoms, cancers of the breast and ovaries, and health issues that affect women proportionately more often than men, such as respiratory distress and complications from cooking fires.

Furthermore, according to the United Nations, which classifies violence against women and girls as a violation of human rights, one in three women are victims of physical or sexual abuse. Due to cultural taboos and gender norms that prevent women in developing nations from speaking up about difficulties relating to sexuality, mental health, and reproduction, these health issues are made worse for them.

Numerous studies have demonstrated that women in low-income countries frequently labor at home or in the unorganized sector without access to a stable source of income or insurance, which contributes to their lack of access to healthcare. Just one tragic illustration: According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 41 women worldwide die from pregnancy-related reasons, compared to 1 in 3,300 in high-income nations.

This quickly expanding industry, which addresses every area of women’s health and safety, is beginning to offer trustworthy health information and affordable, readily available, and high-quality healthcare services to women in distant and underserved regions. For instance, UNICEF employed the free period-tracking software Oky as part of a trial project to educate adolescent girls about menstruation in Indonesia and Mongolia.

In the Dominican Republic, widespread screenings for cervical cancer employ a non-invasive testing tool developed by Israeli health technology startup MobileODT. Patients in Mexico are using remote monitoring to treat diabetes, which affects an estimated 223 million women worldwide.

It’s crucial that cutting-edge businesses and start-ups focused on women’s health and well-being get the attention and funding needed to develop and scale their vital and frequently life-saving solutions, especially in emerging markets where they are most needed.

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Rahul Tanikanti