Can You Judge a Woman’s Personality by Her Music Choice?

Is it possible to determine women’s personalities based on their taste in music?

Although the connections between women’s personality qualities and women’s choice of music haven’t been thoroughly investigated, certain studies do support this relationship. Others claim otherwise. Studies have linked women’s taste in music to their capacity to empathize with others. But what precisely qualifies as good taste in music, and how exactly does it influence women’s character and personality?

It turns out that there is more to the question than first meets the eye, and numerous psychological research has backed the contention that the role of music is related to women’s personality and cognitive styles or how women’s choice of music can have a link to the way they perceive and respond to the environment.

According to the findings of one study,  women’s personalities and ability to feel empathy are correlated with their preferences for particular musical genres even within a given genre. According to the study, the role of music can show that in a women’s character, empathy is “the capacity to recognize, anticipate, and respond to the mental states of others,” and women employ empathy when listening to various forms of musical content to respond emotionally and physically to it.

Researchers discovered that those they classified as type E, or those with a bias toward empathizing, preferred mellow music that could fall within the genres of R&B and soft rock, while those who preferred “Intense dimension” genres like heavy metal and hard rock tended to show a bias towards systemizing, or logic-based thinking, rather than showing empathy.

The same research also discovered an intriguing association between type E people and music that has qualities that are described as “soft, warm, and sensuous,” as well as with sad, dismal music and songs with strong emotions, like poetry or pensive lyrics. The “high arousal” genres of music, such as songs that might be characterized as “powerful, tense, and exhilarating,” as well as songs with cerebral depth and complexity, tend to appeal to those with type S or extreme type S personalities. All these can give us an insight into women’s choice of music is connected to women’s personalities

The author of another study, Helmut Leder, asserts that “facial attractiveness is one of the most significant physical features that can affect the choice of a spouse.

But the University of Vienna researchers were interested in learning how the taste in music might affect how this trait is perceived. 96 heterosexual individuals in the study were exposed to music snippets and an image of a face from the other sex with a neutral expression. The participants were then asked to rate how attractive they thought each face was and to indicate whether or not they would date that person. To arrive at the aforementioned conclusion, the experiment was repeated without the background music.

According to the findings, participants were more likely to date people when the music was stimulating and complicated. This was only noted to be accurate for the women subjects, while the identical findings did not appear to apply to the male participants.

A female participant from the study said that music does affect women’s personalities and how they view other people. She added on saying that women’s choice of music does have a link to a women’s character and behavior. 

According to a different study, the type of music women like may have an impact on how their brain functions. According to the researchers, considering the role of music there are two ways that women’s personalities react to the world: one is based on social cues (empathizing), and the other is based on preconceived notions of how people should react (systemizing).

Empathizers are inclined to love modern music that is quiet but emotionally intense, such as indie rock, country, and folk. Many of them work in the arts or the helping fields, and they like delicate music that stirs up powerful emotions.

Systemizers, on the other hand, were drawn to science and mathematics. They were drawn to music with intricate, intense, energizing structures and frequently enjoyed jazz, world, classical, and more genres of music.

Identity can be expressed in large part through music. It is ingrained in our brains at a deep level and is a product of human evolution. And thus with that, there can be a slight understanding of a woman’s personality and how their taste in music can be seen in a women’s character, only to a smaller extent. And therefore a woman cannot be judged by the choice of her music, only an understanding of them can be figured out. 

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