Why Women’s Bodies are Better Suited for Space Travel

Disparity between men and women going to Space, scientists believe that women’s bodies are better suited for space travel

Some research suggests women’s bodies are better suited for space travel as they are better equipped to handle space travel according to their mental health risks. In an examination of journal entries from astronauts who spent time on ISS, a NASA researcher found that men experienced a greater dip in mood during the missions than women. This is an important consideration for such a long trip.


On a trip to Mars, another major psychological stress will come from living in a small space with a small crew. Women’s bodies are better suited for space travel as they have the advantage here since research suggests they’re generally more comfortable in closer, more confined conditions—or, as early NASA research puts it, women have more permeable personal space requirements.


Women’s bodies are better suited for space travel as they underwent the same physical readiness and stress tests as the men, but they had to do it while wearing a belted and rolled-up-at-the-ankles flight jumpsuit, because there were none available to fit their small frame. Before the recent all-woman spacewalk on October 18, a previously scheduled spacewalk a couple of months earlier was canceled when it was discovered that there weren’t enough spacesuits in the correct sizes for three women to go outside the ISS at the same time.


However, as not always applicable, the reason is that women are smaller in size. On average men weigh more than women, so when it comes to launching smaller and lighter people into Space, typically smaller women would require the rockets to use less fuel.


Moreover, as women are typically smaller, they require fewer daily calories, therefore food supplies could last longer. A study in 2013 pointed out that even when men and women performed similar duties in Space, women ended up only needing half of the calorie intake as men.


Advantages of Flying Female Astronauts:


Some reasons are suggesting that women’s bodies are better suited for space travel than men in some respects, including:


Women are lighter:

 Sending too much weight to space requires fuel, costing a lot of money. Having more women on the crew could help reduce the cost of space travel.


Women eat fewer calories and use fewer resources: 

When you plan to send humans to Mars, it may be a good idea to have more women on the crew because they require 15 to 25% fewer energy calories than men. They also expend less energy despite possessing similar activity levels. Additionally, because women are (on average) smaller than men, they produce less waste (CO2 and body excretions), making it easier for the spacecraft systems to recycle.


Space traveling affects men and women differently:

 Due to the effects of microgravity and radiation, space-traveling can have several implications on astronauts’ health. It seems that men are less affected by space motion sickness than women, but men are quicker to experience diminished hearing. Men also have a higher risk of vision problems, while women tend to have more urinary tract infections.


Women can give birth: 

One idea for the long-term colonization of space is to send an all-female crew to Mars or other colonies. This would reduce travel costs, as an all-female crew to reproduce over time through artificial means.


Women’s bodies are better suited for space travel as they are likely to feel sick when they go into space, men are more likely to get re-entry sickness when they come back to Earth. Men have more problems with their vision and hearing when they get back from space which women don’t get. When women return, they do have problems managing their blood pressure so they feel quite faint.


The changes that happen to the human body are like an accelerated aging process. If we take bone changes, astronauts lose bone mass when they go into space, and parts of that bone mass are never regained despite the excellent countermeasures and programs the astronauts have when they get back.


So, there are some subtle differences and we don’t know if that’s to do with hormonal differences or more physiological changes that are occurring. And the long term, understanding those differences will help us understand more about human health on Earth.

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Sshaheen Farha