Women in Moroccan Industry: Celebrating Female Leadership


Celebrating female leaders: Maroc Magazine hosted the sixth edition of “Les Matinees de l’Industrie”

Celebrating Female Leadership: In a testament to the invaluable contributions of female leaders to the Moroccan economy, Maroc Magazine hosted the sixth edition of “Les Matinees de l’Industrie” event on April 1 in Casablanca. This year, the event returned with a special Ramadan edition titled “Les IndustriELLES Du Maroc,” highlighting the pivotal role of women in driving industrial growth and innovation.

The event was graced by the presence of Minister of Industry and Trade, Ryad Mezzour, who lauded Moroccan women as powerful agents of value creation within the industrial sector. In his opening speech, Minister Mezzour emphasized the need to redouble efforts in enabling women to assume greater responsibilities, acknowledging their significant contributions to the country’s industrial landscape.

Hanane Belyagou, Director of Statistics, Studies, Monitoring, and Evaluation for Maroc Magazine, shed light on the substantial representation of women in the industrial sector. She revealed that in 2023, women accounted for 44 percent of industrial employees—a statistic that underscores their indispensable role in value creation on a daily basis.

However, despite their significant presence in the workforce, Lamiae Benmakhlouf, Managing Director of Technopark, highlighted the disparity in female participation in start-up projects. According to Benmakhlouf, women currently hold only 16 percent of start-up projects—a figure that underscores the need for concerted efforts to support female entrepreneurship and investment in the industry.

Benmakhlouf expressed optimism about the future, noting that efforts are underway to address this disparity. She emphasized that Morocco possesses great potential to increase female participation in the industry, citing the fact that 55 percent of graduates in the country are women—an untapped resource that holds promise for driving future growth and innovation.

In conclusion, the sixth edition of “Les Matinees de l’Industrie” event served as a platform to recognize and celebrate the indispensable contributions of female leaders to the Moroccan industrial sector. By acknowledging the achievements of women in industry and advocating for greater opportunities and support, Morocco is poised to harness the full potential of its female workforce and drive sustainable economic development in the years to come.

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Rahul Tanikanti