10 NGOs Helping Women to Fight for their Rights in India

It is shown that when NGOs helping women to fight work towards women empowerment, the whole society benefits

Right from a young age, women are made to believe that they’re inferior. They are taught to be dependent on the male figures in their lives. These ideas of misogyny and patriarchy are so deep-rooted that the women become indifferent to the abuse. Lack of education, awareness, and fear of social stigma has made thousands of women suffer in silence. According to a report, only 14% of women who reported being abused actively sought help. Listed below are the NGOs helping women to fight to get legal justice and encouraging them to take their lives into their own hands.

Guria India:

Guria India’s approach is to focus on rescue and legal intervention. Due to the stigma surrounding sexual assault, it helps the victim with all the necessities to fight their case starting from filing an FIR to helping them collect evidence. Guria lawyers help prepare the victims for the court. Not only do the NGOs help women to fight but get legal justice, but they also provide counseling and provide victims with financial support. Their contribution will support an abuse survivor to get access to legal aid and counseling.

ActionAid India:

ActionAid India is part of a global federation and a full affiliate of ActionAid International. Gauravi is the 24×7 one-stop crisis center of ActionAid. The center caters to domestic and sexual violence victims of any age including minor boys. The victims are provided with counseling, intervention, legal help, medical help, shelter home as well as social rehabilitation. Victims are not forced to take legal action and are provided with all the options. They provide counseling and also run a shelter home for women. Donating to this program will help women overcome their trauma through counseling.

Majlis Manch:

Through their program ‘Rahat’, Majlis Manch’s legal center provides socio-legal support to victims of sexual abuse. The all-women team of lawyers and social workers meet with victims and explain the process and procedures involved in a court case. They are also told about all the legal, public, and private schemes that they have access to. Further legal help is provided depending upon the case. Donate now and help abuse victims get legal services to fight their battles.

Sayodhya Home For Women In Need:

Sayodhya runs short stay home for women/young girls in distress and provides an emergency response through its 24 hours telephone helpline. In critical cases, they help women get legal justice by taking them to women’s protection cells where they explain the process and help women file cases. The shelter works closely with police and judicial officials to ensure that survivors have access to protection, entitlements, and other legal measures to assist with employment opportunities, as well as skill development support, as and when needed. Donate now to help prevent gender-based violence against women.

Shikshan Ane Samaj Kalyan Kendra:

Shikshan Ane Samaj Kalyan Kendra is dedicated to helping women through activities like health, education, women empowerment, etc. It holds workshops about the cause and effects of domestic violence and takes the issues of violence to district-level authorities and lower courts. They also encourage victims to come forward and discourage men from partaking in activities that will cause harm to their spouses. Donating to this organization will help rural women fight discrimination and domestic violence.

International Foundation for Crime Prevention and Victim Care (PCVC):

International Foundation for Crime Prevention and Victim Care was set up in response to the need for a support agency for victims and survivors of domestic violence. These NGOs helping women to fight provide several necessary services like crisis management, legal advocacy, support, and resource services. PCVC started the national domestic violence hotline to help women who are struggling with different forms of abuse. The organization also provides victims with legal representatives and support through referrals. Donating to PCVC can help dismantle the culture of violence against women.

Committee for Legal Aid to Poor:

Acid attacks are the most gruesome and heinous of crimes committed against women. The Committee for Legal Aid to Poor was created to provide legal aid to the victims of this terrible crime. CLAP helps victims by monitoring court proceedings to ensure stringent punishment to wrongdoers, provides legal aid and helps claim compensation from the government, and rehabilitates survivors. A donation to this program will help acid attack survivors seek justice.


Prerana works towards the rescue, protection, and rehabilitation of human trafficking victims. They work with various state governments to frame anti-human trafficking schemes and policies to rescue and rehabilitate victims. They also help with legal proceedings to restore their rights. Also, it provides survivors with psychological counseling. You can donate to this program and help in the rehabilitation of rescued human trafficking victims.

Sakhya Women’s Guidance Cell:

The main aim of Sakhya Women’s Guidance Cell is to promote gender equality and gender justice through women empowerment. They hope to give women more autonomy through sensitization and spreading awareness. The organization offers victims of sexual abuse case counseling, referrals, legal aid, shelter, rehabilitation and accompanies them to hospitals and legal institutes. Donating to these NGOs helping women to fight, will help put an end to violence against women and provide justice to survivors.

The Prajnya Trust:

The Prajnya Trust has been working since 2008 to prevent gender and sex-based violence against women. This NGO for women conducts workshops, facilitates discussions, provides legal advice, and sensitizes service providers who might encounter cases of sexual violence at work. A donation to this NGO can help end the silence around gender violence.

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Sshaheen Farha