Top 8 Technology Trends Reshaping the Women Fashion Industry in 2021

The fashion industry is booming now with the modernization of technology when it comes to fashion

As one of the biggest industries in the world, generating an estimated $1.5 trillion a year, it’s surprising to learn that the way fashion operates today hasn’t changed that much in the past twenty years. This is, in part, because it’s still easy to source low-cost manual labour in many countries and to outsource any pricey production costs. However, the rising concerns about fair wages, pollution, as well as the need to satisfy the hyper-connected consumers of today, have given way to new exciting technology trends re-shaping women fashion.

Indeed, we live in the ‘insta-age’ of technology. Social media is changing how fashion is consumed and has trained customers to want instant access to the latest trends, as soon as they hit the catwalks. At the same time, younger generations, who want to stand out from the crowd, seek products that can be tailored to their needs and preferences. Moreover, ‘mass-made’ clothing or ‘fast-fashion’, seems to be gradually losing its appeal.

As the technology trends re-shaping women fashion continues to rise, it makes less and less sense for companies and brands to keep producing large quantities of apparel, months in advance, with no certainty of how well it   will sell. Those brands that pick up the pace and become more responsive to market needs will be the likely winners in this fast-changing modern environment. The technique for technology trends re-shaping women fashion are:-

 1. Artificial Intelligence:

Brands are using Artificial Intelligence to enhance customer’s shopping experience as their website provides a chatbot system to understand the apparel requirement of the user. The AI is using customer experience to provide the right product to them.

 2. Novel Fabrics:

 Another fashion trend that promotes sustainability is “Novel Fabrics”. With the emergence of environment protection activities, companies are creating lab-grown leather without harming any animal. Novel fabrics have technology trends re-shaping women fashion in the garment industry and it helps to protect the animals as well as is a good option in the near future.

 3. Virtual and Augmented Reality:

 Fashion industry technology has combined the real world with the online world. Consumers are now trying outfits virtually with VR technology which gives more accuracy. It provides you a chance for better customization of cloth so that you can choose what you like most. This online shopping experience engages and retains the customer, as they can see the product on themselves before buying.

The fashion industry will be witnessed some technological advancement in near future. The top 10 private universities in Rajasthan offer students an opportunity to learn “Fashion Designing” as it is one of the growing fields. You can take the fashion designing course and understand the use and benefits of other technologies associated with fashion world

4. Mobile Shopping:

With the world spending more time on the mobile phone, as compared to laptops and computers, the growth of mobile commerce doesn’t come as a surprise. This is one reason why the mobile commerce market is the largest in the world.

It is because shopping on mobile phones is easy and quick. The emergence of technologies such as facial recognition and fingerprint identification has added another dimension to it – safety. So, a lot of fashion buffs out there prefer shopping on their mobiles.

5. Quick Data Analysis for Speedier Adaptation:

Years ago, it used to take days, sometimes even weeks for fashion apparel manufacturers to know about defective pieces or damaged goods, or consignments.

But, a few software tools on the market have helped improve the competence of fashion manufacturers as well. They help factories and fashion brands get real-time feedback, and alert from customer companies about damages or defects. It allows factories to save money, eliminate waste, and supply the right product at the right time and in the right quantity.

6. Internet of Things (IoT):

The birth of IoT gives the word comfort a whole new meaning and scope. It doesn’t limit comfort to quick movements of the body or improving flexibility. It walks the extra mile to introduce clothes with digital capabilities! Yes. It includes smart clothing, multi-functional designs, responsive sportswear, and a lot more. There’s a lot to come in the future for which we must prepare.

7. 3D Printing

3D printing is another revolutionary technology that’s helping various fashion brands across the globe to look at on-demand production. It is also enabling them to create new opportunities for customized clothing, creativity, and sustainability.

Wearable collections, for instance, the ones made by Julia Daviy in 2018, made out ofentirely 3D printed materials help reduce waste (reduce fabric waste by around 35%) and require a lesser workforce as compared to conventional manufacturing. Such an approach also will align conventional fashion apparel factories with modern fashion needs and environmental sustainability.

8. Blockchain:

Blockchain is a modern-day technology that associates itself with higher levels of transparency, traceability, and efficiency in the supply chain workflow. It binds the entire ecosystem that comprises intermediaries, banks, suppliers, and carriers, and allows it a secure and direct exchange of information.

Blockchain involves blocks that constitute digital pieces of data that record transactional information such as the date, time and the recent purchase amount, along with information about the participant.

Blockchain’s relevance in the fashion industry refers to tracking and maintaining records of clothing apparel, and supply chain with the help of technologies like track-and-trace and inventory management. These factors qualify Blockchain as another technology reshaping the fashion industry.

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Sshaheen Farha