Top 10 Shows You Should Avoid Skipping Long Scenes of Women Being Abused

10 top shows that should avoid skipping long scenes of women being abused

Somewhere along the line, violence against women became an increasingly popular theme in movies and television. As the uncomfortable subject matter thrived, the level of violence has continued to boom to an unpalatable degree, with positive titles subjecting their woman characters to so much on-display abuse that it cannot only be traumatizing for viewers but a signal of a deeply improper movie and TV landscape. Yes, atrocities towards women arise all of the time and it’s vital for artwork to explore and mirror actual life, even real lifestyles tragedies — however in particular while the arena we’re exploring is a fantasy, it stops feeling like an essential evil and starts feeling lots more excellent like a misogynistic world re-asserting how they see the position of women. We are, of course, in part talking about Game of Thrones and its new prequel House of the Dragon, whose finest episode included a (*spoilers!*) excruciatingly long, graphic scene of a female having a child reduce out of her pregnant stomach without her knowledge or consent to the procedure, killing her in the process. At a time while pregnant humans have less access to safe healthcare in America than they did in the ’70s, it’s truly a *choice* to reveal a woman being brutally sliced as much as keeping her unborn toddler, and it’s hard to assume this scene causing any form of the social alternate that would justify it.

1. Django Unchained

While reimagining records through movies may be an excellent manner to train audiences extensively, Django Unchained takes violence towards women — enslaved Black women, specifically — too far. It’s to be expected by director Quentin Tarantino, but the film features ordinary rape and different acts of sexual violence, brutal whippings, and different sorts of extreme torture performed to subjugate women.

2. ‘Game of Thrones 

Game of Thrones is arguably the full violent display to ever attain the masses. With rape, beheadings, dismemberment, sexual mutilation, and other numerous forms of horrific, graphic torture in every single episode, GOT set a new precedent for violence towards women in TV and movies, which it got here under heavy grievance during its running.

3. Speak

Speak tells the tale of a teenage girl who’s raped at an excessive college party and is so traumatized through the enjoyment that she becomes mute. Kristen Stewart’s man or woman turns into remoted through everyone at her college, including her closest friends, becoming the goal of constant bullying and mocking through cruel kids, teachers, and her rapist.

4. ‘House of the Dragon’ 

Following its predecessor’s footsteps, House of the Dragon has already persevered Game of Thrones‘ topic of outrageous violence only a few episodes into the prequel series. Miguel Sapochnik, a co-showrunner for the production, informed Vanity Fair, “Violence against ladies continues to be very much a part of the world… You can’t forget about the violence that turned into perpetrated on women by guys in that time. 

5. Anatomy of a Scandal

Its plot revolves around a rape case unfolding in court. The sexual attack is depicted repeatedly for the duration of each episode in the series, sensationalizing the act in graphic and brazen gratuity. By the stop of the show, rape culture appears to be fetishized, that’s something we shouldn’t just outright condemn, but right here we are. Sexual violence, and any violence towards women, has no area being glorified in mainstream media.

6. ‘The Handmaid’s Tale 

The whole plot idea for The Handmaid’s Tale is violence towards women — sexual violence being the maximum usual form exercised in the display. Depictions of rape, forced pregnancy and birth, disfigurement, brutal death, and different forms of abuse make the display extra akin to “torture porn” than the drama it claims to be. It’s especially tough to look at given the current socio-political weather withinside the United States feeling a bit too just like the extremely disturbing premise of the fictional work.

7. Orange is the New Black 

While jail is an undoubtedly dismal area to be, Orange is the New Black explores quite a whole lot of topics of violence against women all through its six-season run. Rape and different sexual exploitations take area in every season, similarly to unnecessary deaths, dehumanizing acts, routine beatings by corrupt jail guards, and other kinds of extortion and brutality, all used as plot gadgets to depict women’s prisons in America.

8. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo features one of the most photo depictions of an intensely brutal rape visible in a movie. While a few argue it’s essential for character perception and development, others believe the scene might have been a lot shorter and less graphic.

9. The Invisible Man 

Using domestic violence as a device to make a woman appear insane is the overall idea in the back of The Invisible Man. Themes of manipulation, isolation, sabotage of reproductive choices, bodily abuse, and rape are all regular throughout the whole film, making it a rather miserable experience. We simply have to ask, is Elizabeth Moss okay?

10. 365 Days

Highly arguable for its take on consent and sexual abuse, 365 Days is extensively perceived as a tale of approximately a “romantic” relationship that resembles Stockholm syndrome much extra than authentic love. The movie has been criticized for romanticizing abuse and sexual attack and glamorizing rape, however, reputedly Netflix is cool with that because they launched now no longer one however sequels following the original movie.

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