Women of Color in America are Making Money Through Spirituality

Women of color

American women of color make money through spirituality. Thanks to the spiritual boom

For many American women, working lives were altered in 2020 by the coronavirus epidemic, which forced businesses to lock their doors in order to reduce workplace contamination. People sought solace in religion and spirituality as a result of the uncertainties around Covid-19, which led to the industry expansion of women of color in spirituality.

Like Shontel Anestasia, many Black women entrepreneurs see the present spiritual boom as an opportunity to make money in addition to connecting with their higher selves. “People’s desire to return to their roots has increased during the past two years. Last year, I did just as well working for a company in America as I did working for myself at my shop “, she says.

The market for spiritual wellness products expanded significantly, including anything from candles and crystals to metaphysical activities like tarot readings. For instance, in 2019 the psychic industry generated 2.2 billion dollars. By 2026, this figure is projected to increase to 2.4 billion.

IbisWorld also projects that over the following five years, the number of psychic service businesses in the US will increase from 93,939 to approximately 1,00,000.

One of the numerous black women who have discovered their entrepreneurial niche in traditional African spirituality is Shantrelle Lewis. The BEAUCOUP HOODOO ATRs Book Club was founded by the Lucumi Sango Priest and Co-Founder of SHOPPE BLACK. She has spent decades studying African Traditional Religions.

According to her, “the resurgence of spirituality has created a market for people to want to buy products that will allow them to create prosperity, to promote health, to bring in love, and to bring in all the good things that they want to attract to themselves by supporting people that look just like them.”

Kiana Cox, a research associate at the Pew Research Center, claims that while the majority of Black Americans identify as Christians, they also hold a variety of non-Christian spiritual practices and beliefs.

Participants in the study for Pew’s “Faith Among Black Americans” report were asked three questions: Have you ever worshipped at a shrine or altar? Have you spoken to a psychic or medium? And as a part of your spiritual or religious observance, do you light candles, burn incense, or use sage?

Twenty percent of Black Americans claim to have worshipped at an altar or shrine, while 12% claim to have used candles, incense, or sage when consulting a reader. According to Cox, 30% of black people believe that praying to their ancestors can give them protection. “So that’s one thing we have. Additionally, 40% of Black Americans report believing in reincarnation. Some of these activities and beliefs that we could associate with non-Christian faiths are present despite the fact that they are unrelated to African religions.

Many black women value the potential to make their culture their livelihood, and they are hopeful that future generations will see the world differently as a result of this new spiritual awakening.

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Rahul Tanikanti