Women in Tech: Infosys Commitment to Gender Diversity


Infosys taking noticeable steps on gender diversity and creating a better place for women in tech

The importance of diversity as a conversation issue has grown significantly in the technological sphere. Making sure that all viewpoints and views are heard is essential as the sector develops further. A leader in consulting and technology services globally, Infosys has made great progress in advancing gender diversity in the tech industry. Infosys is making significant strides towards gender equality in accordance with its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Vision 2030.

The IT juggernaut announced a female staff representation of 39.4% as of fiscal year 2023. With 1,35,355 women employed, this number reflects a consistent trend towards greater gender parity throughout the organization. In this article, we’ll see Infosys dedication to promoting an atmosphere that values women in tech and the results of their activities.

Gender diversity issues have been a long-standing problem in the technology sector. Women have historically been underrepresented in a variety of roles, including those involving software development, engineering, and leadership, making it a male-dominated field. In addition to impeding innovation, this lack of diversity also keeps the gender wage and opportunity gap alive.

With its headquarters in Bangalore, India, and a presence throughout the world, Infosys understood how critical it was to address gender diversity issues both inside its own company and across the tech sector. The business has put in place a number of efforts to promote gender diversity and an inclusive workplace.

The dedication to gender diversity at Infosys has produced noticeable outcomes. The proportion of women in technical roles, leadership positions, and board memberships has significantly increased at the organization. Women at Infosys have achieved success, and this serves as motivation for others in the sector.

Roshni Nadar Malhotra, who became the Chairperson of Infosys in 2020 and is now one of the most well-known female CEOs in the software industry, is one such success story. Roshni’s progression at Infosys from intern to chairperson is a prime example of the organization’s dedication to developing and advancing talent from within.

According to Infosys data, female representation has grown steadily over the last three years. The proportion of women working has increased from 38.6% in 2020–21 to 39.6% in 2021–22 and is now at 39.4% for the following year, 2022–23. This consistent development demonstrates Infosys’ dedication to its ESG Vision 2030, which was introduced in October 2020. By 2030, the business hopes to have 45% female employees, indicating a real commitment to enhancing diversity and inclusion.

Gender parity is just one of many priorities in the ESG Vision 2030. To address important concerns like climate change, water management, and waste management, Infosys is leveraging technology. On the social front, the vision includes the growth of individuals, placing special emphasis on digital skilling, employee wellbeing and experience, utilizing technology for good, and energizing the communities in which they operate.

By demonstrating leadership through its fundamental principles and creating standards for corporate governance, Infosys is stepping up efforts to further its objective of serving the interests of all stakeholders. This all-encompassing strategy strengthens Infosys dedication to ethical corporate conduct and social responsibility.

In conclusion, Infosys dedication to gender diversity in the software industry serves as a shining example of how a business may influence positive change both inside its own organization and throughout the sector. Infosys is levelling the playing field for women in tech through a number of programs, equal pay policies and leadership possibilities. The success stories coming out of Infosys show that gender diversity is not only possible but also very advantageous for growth and creativity. As we look to the future, companies like Infosys will set the example for how to make the tech industry more equitable and inclusive for all.

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Rahul Tanikanti