Top 10 Women Leaders in Economics and Politics in 2023


These top women leaders in economics and politics are paving way for the upcoming female leaders

Women leaders in economics and politics have made substantial progress in reshaping the world in 2023. Despite the ongoing gender disparities in these disciplines, women in politics have persisted in overcoming obstacles, breaking through, and achieving positions of influence across many domains. Here the top 10 female politicians, who will significantly impact politics and the economy in 2023 are discussed in this article.

These women have a variety of backgrounds, and their work is done in several different countries. They have demonstrated outstanding leadership, superior intellect, and a steadfast dedication to advancing social and economic fairness for all. Their accomplishments serve as an example and an inspiration for upcoming generations of female leaders.

1. Angela Merkel – Chancellor of Germany

One of the most powerful ladies in politics today is Angela Merkel. She has served as Germany’s Chancellor since 2005 and is renowned for her leadership skills and capacity for making wise decisions. Merkel, who has been a steadfast supporter of free trade and globalization, was instrumental in helping to manage the Eurozone problem.

2. Christine Lagarde – President of the European Central Bank

The post of President of the European Central Bank has never been held by a woman before Christine Lagarde. She served as managing head of the International Monetary Fund and as France’s former finance minister. (IMF). Lagarde is renowned for her knowledge of global finance as well as her support of female equality in the financial industry.

3. Kamala Harris – Vice President of the United States

In addition to being the first South Asian, Black, and female vice president of the United States, Kamala Harris created history. Harris is a fervent supporter of social fairness, economic equality, and women’s rights.

4. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala – Director-General of the World Trade Organization

As the first female and African to serve as Director-General of the World Trade Organization, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala made history. She is a well-known economist and a past finance minister for Nigeria. Okonjo-Iweala has been a vociferous supporter of trade reform and has fought to increase the inclusivity and advantages of trade for developing nations.

5. Janet Yellen – Secretary of the United States Treasury

As Secretary of the US Treasury, Janet Yellen is the first female to hold the position. She is a well-known economist and a former chair of the Federal Reserve. Yellen has emphasized the significance of addressing income disparity and has been a strong supporter of inclusive growth.

6. Ursula von der Leyen – President of the European Commission

The first woman to serve as President of the European Commission is Ursula von der Leyen. She is a psychiatrist and a former German defense minister. In addition to pushing for a more sustainable and digital Europe, von der Leyen has been a vocal supporter of female equality.

7. Jacinda Ardern – Prime Minister of New Zealand

The youngest woman to hold the position of prime minister in New Zealand is Jacinda Ardern. She is renowned for her leadership that is compassion and dedication to social justice and equity. Ardern has been a steadfast supporter of taking action on climate change and has put several of her ideas into practice.

8. Sanna Marin – Prime Minister of Finland

The second woman and youngest individual to hold the position of prime minister in Finland are Sanna Marin. She was a former minister of transportation and a strong supporter of social welfare and gender equity. Marin has put into place several laws to advance female equality and has been a vocal supporter of taking action on climate change.

9. Kristalina Georgieva – Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund

Kristalina Georgievahe, International Monetary Fund’s managing director is a woman for the first time from a developing nation. She is a well-known economist who has worked to expand the IMF’s diversity and increase its sensitivity to the requirements of developing nations. Georgieva has also been a vocal proponent of climate change mitigation and has emphasized its significance.

10. Sheikh Hasina – Prime Minister of Bangladesh

Sheikh Hasina is a well-known politician in Bangladesh and has been the Prime Minister of that nation since 2009. Bangladesh has advanced significantly under her leadership in terms of infrastructure, social welfare, and economic growth. She has also been a steadfast supporter of natural sustainability and women’s rights.

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Rahul Tanikanti