The Role of Women in Leadership and Development


Why women leaders are important and how is it helping women at work for their progress?

At the regional, national, and international levels, women at work are steadily becoming more influential in business, administration, education, engineering, and other fields. Women employees are now determined to remove the historical barrier that prevented women from rising to leadership positions, although having the necessary aptitude and talent to do so.

Organizations perform better when more women leaders hold positions in top management. That’s how easy it is. Our study has discovered that having more women in leadership roles not only improves bottom-line financial performance but also raises work happiness and loyalty to the company among employees of all genders.

Gender has no bearing on leadership. It is a collection of leadership skills that a person or people who develop into powerful figures with large followings possess or learn to cultivate. Men and women can both be leaders. Although both men and women can learn and demonstrate leadership skills, there are certain variations between the fundamental characteristics and qualities that men and women leaders possess. Most often, men and women exhibit leadership behaviours that are very different.

Compared to male leaders, female leaders are more transformational. They serve as an example for their employees. They spend a lot of time instructing their squad and inspiring them. They are really concerned with growing personally. Women leaders place a strong emphasis on collaboration and open communication as factors in success. The majority of women executives believe that leadership is not only about achieving organisational objectives but also about improving the lives of those they lead.

Women in leadership positions are always focused on finishing work within deadlines. From an operational standpoint, finishing daily chores is essential to ensuring the organisation runs smoothly. Women executives typically favour fostering flat organisational structures that allow everyone to work independently in a collegial environment. Flat organisational structures ignore the skills and expertise of experienced workers and the boss. Women in leadership positions frequently criticise an organization’s hierarchical structure.

A typical feminine trait is the ability to cooperate with others. Women leaders always encourage team members to work together and cooperate. In this situation, each team member must understand their own tasks and responsibilities in order to avoid duplication of effort.

Empathy is frequently seen as a woman’s greatest superpower in terms of the roles she plays in her lifetime. Without passing judgement, an empathic leader can acknowledge that everyone sees the world differently. They are able to empathise with their colleagues, interact honestly, and recognise when they are struggling. In other words, an empathic leader can listen to their team instead of fixing, solving, or dictating, setting them up for success.

Without equal representation of women in leadership positions, no institution, be it a society or an organisation, can function effectively in the twenty-first century. In organisations and teams, women contribute a perspective that fosters both competition and collaboration.

In the modern world, businesses that are run by inclusive leadership teams make decisions that are better for the end product. The capacity to cooperate, connect, empathise with others, and communicate are crucial leadership traits in the twenty-first century. These feminine characteristics can all contribute to the creation of a more sustainable future.

Several studies have demonstrated the superior financial performance of female-led businesses. For society to adapt more quickly at home and at work, women must assume leadership roles. Women in leadership positions are more likely to present a balanced perspective on work and family, which will lead to an active and hopeful future on both the personal and professional fronts. True development cannot be made without a range of viewpoints in leadership positions, hence gender balance in leadership is crucial.

The twenty-first century demands the presence of female leaders. Because it is a difficult task that will require the cooperation and involvement of every employee in the company, organisations must enable women in leadership roles to be more productive and demonstrate their latent potential.

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Rahul Tanikanti