How Women are Overcoming Challenges in the Mining Industry?


With the growth in mining technology, what challenges women in process mining are facing?

Women in Process Mining connects female leaders who work in the industry, are learning about the technology, or are conducting research in the area. The group fosters a community for the exchange of best practises while allowing female workers’ opinions to be heard.

It gives women employees access to a global network where they may share knowledge and collaborate to define the direction of process mining technology and the field of digital transformation. Numerous studies have been conducted to determine how few women are there in the tech industry today. The founders of Women in Process Mining concur that there is still much space for improvement.

When you see someone who resembles you in a setting that you may have visited previously or may not have known existed, you begin to make connections and think, “Oh maybe that’s an opportunity that’s available for me as well.” Women in Process Mining hopes to expand on the organization’s accomplishments to date by extending an invitation to more women so they can serve as role models for future generations and feel supported once they are employed in this area of the tech industry.

Women in Process Mining is open to everyone who is interested in learning more about it and is prepared to put in the effort. There are so many various professions in technology, whether you work in marketing, content creation, video production, or perhaps technology services or consulting. Being involved with technology is not a trip that can be taken by everyone.

In addition to making change, it’s critical for women to work with allies and be a welcome voice in the industry. Women working in the process mining sector have been able to become fully involved in the community and make allies thanks to the three pillars of the online community, virtual and actual events, and mentorship programme.

But at the same time, challenges faced by women in the mining industry are something to be considered seriously. Women say they are leaving or intending to quit the profession because the traits that first drew them to it no longer apply. The main reasons for leaving the sector are the belief that the work is no longer intellectually stimulating and the belief that there are less prospects for promotion than there are for their male co-workers.

Women often feel marginalised in the mining industry, especially in technical roles, according to a few interviews with influential women in the industry. Additionally, there is a view that operational experience is valued higher than advanced degrees when it comes to obtaining senior technical and leadership positions, but women in the same firms have difficulty obtaining the same “stepping stone” operational positions as men.

There is no quick cure for increasing the proportion of women in the mining industry. Mining firms should make an effort to handle all three of these factors (i.e) attraction, retention, and promotion—in order to achieve significant success.

Women with middle tenure who think they have few possibilities for promotion may leave the mining sector. Women who want to advance their careers can benefit from sponsorship. Stretch possibilities were the perceivable benefit most frequently mentioned by female respondents as being offered by their sponsors. Providing sponsorship is a problem that mining firms must overcome.

Senior executives and less experienced colleagues can be paired up to formalise these programmes, but from our experience, it is better to foster a climate where these connections naturally arise. In situations where a high-performing woman lacks spontaneous sponsorship in her group, more official assignments can be formed. In these situations, it might make sense to pair her up with a leader who has shown support for women, even those who belong to other groups.

Diversity in skill is advantageous from a competitive standpoint as well as from a moral standpoint. Mining businesses that attract women and support their professional growth across the career pipeline will gain a competitive edge in terms of productivity, creativity, and ESG leadership.

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Rahul Tanikanti