7 Strategies for Building Strong Female Leaders


7 strategies for building female leaders to promote more women in leadership positions

The importance of female leaders in business has been increasingly recognized in recent decades as they break down barriers in once male-dominated fields and have a long-lasting effect on the corporate environment. The importance of women in leadership can be attributed to the variety of viewpoints they offer, which are derived from their unique experiences, values, and leadership styles. Within companies, this gender diversity encourages innovative approaches to problem-solving.

Research suggests that organizations where a greater percentage of women hold leadership roles typically perform better financially. This is likely because women tend to be more risk-averse and environmentally conscious. Women still face significant obstacles in their pursuit of leadership positions, notwithstanding advancements. Long-term success depends on maximizing the potential of women leaders, which calls for taking proactive steps to solve current issues. Here are seven strategies for female leaders.

1. Women Supporting Women

In a world where women have historically been marginalized and underrepresented in leadership roles, it is critical that women band together to support one another. Trailblazing women who set an example for others encourage others to dismantle obstacles and confront misconceptions by demonstrating that women are just as capable, intelligent, and innovative as men. Group CHRO at Jakson Group Ms. Radhika Arora highlights the transforming power of support and guidance in enabling women reach greater heights, emphasizing the significance of mentoring and inspiring other women.

2. It’s all About Trust

Building a positive work environment where people feel appreciated and empowered begins with trust. Trust-building in organizations, especially among female leaders, requires openness, truthfulness, and sincerity. The CEO and founder of Blue Buzz, Ms. Neha K. Bisht, emphasizes how crucial trust is to fostering creativity and teamwork. According to her, trust is not only vital to brand partnerships but also to building an environment in which inclusivity and empathy offer a safe haven for both internal and external stakeholders.

3. Leading with Heart

Especially for women managing gender norms, emotional intelligence (EQ) emerges as a crucial set of skills for effective leadership. Women leaders, who are frequently expected to be cooperative and sympathetic, can use their high EQ to forge lasting bonds, communicate clearly, and handle challenging interpersonal situations. In order to build a successful leadership combination, Tulika Dass, Group Head of HR at Ambit, counsels female leaders to intentionally develop and rely on their EQ in addition to their autonomous decision-making.

4. Accept the Unknown

It becomes clear that stepping outside of one’s comfort zone is an essential tactic for female leaders to develop resilience and confidence. Taking on new tasks broadens professional networks and fosters the development of new abilities by exposing oneself to a range of viewpoints and ideas. Co-founder of Seekho, Ms. Divya Jain, emphasizes how crucial it is for women to embrace their innate leadership qualities in order to foster positive work environments and support the ongoing battle for gender equality.

5. Networking

It turns out that networking is essential to the advancement of women in leadership. Making connections, learning new things, and expanding one’s professional chances are all made possible by going to conferences, trade exhibitions, and networking events. The CEO and co-founder of IndiaP2P, Neha Juneja, encourages women in the workforce to deliberately establish a robust professional network, approach leaders directly for advice, stand up for themselves, and show interest in leadership positions.

6. Build the Necessary Skillset

Upskilling consistently and keeping up with industry innovations are becoming essential elements of success for female leaders. Women who are dedicated to a lifetime of learning and development are able to quickly adjust to new procedures and technological advancements, guaranteeing their continued competence and effectiveness as leaders. Humm Care’s founder and CEO, Carina Kohli, highlights the importance of women leaders realizing there is always space for improvement and growth and encouraging a dedication to lifelong learning and career development.

7. Break Down Stereotypes

Last but not least, breaking down preconceptions is essential to enabling women in a variety of industries. Tackling prejudices that support the idea that women are not fit for particular jobs, including those in physically demanding occupations or STEM disciplines, is crucial. It is possible for women to advance and strengthen the belief that they are just as capable and competent as males when these preconceptions are challenged.

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Rahul Tanikanti