From Sandalwood to Bollywood: Kannada Actresses Who Conquered Hindi Film Industry The Kannada film industry, known as Sandalwood, has produced some remarkable talent...
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Alia Bhatt Ventures into Horror: What to Expect from Her Upcoming Thriller Alia Bhatt, celebrated for her versatile performances in films like Raazi, Gully Boy, and...
How Dua Lipa’s Concert is Shaping Global Music Tours in India
Dua Lipa’s concert in Mumbai has played a crucial role in shaping the trajectory of global music tours in India Dua Lipa’s concert in Mumbai on November 30...
Women in Data Science: Highlights from Global Conferences
Empowering Women in Data Science: Key Highlights from Global Conferences Women in Data Science (WiDS) conferences play a pivotal role in celebrating and empowering women...
NASA astronaut Sunita Williams celebrated the holiday in one of the most extraordinary locations possible Thanksgiving is a cherished tradition in the United States...
10 Side Hustles Every Woman Can Start Today for Extra Income and Fulfillment Side hustles provide an excellent opportunity for women to earn extra income, gain financial...